October 28, 2012

Lesson about teeth

In each partner school we were talking about oral hygiene. We decided to make the same coloring book about "Fine four friends".

Logo for project - we will chose one the best

















October 17, 2012

What does the word "health" mean?

Children from partner schools try to answer what does the word "health" mean?
Look and read children's dictionary.

October 7, 2012

Healthy team

Through the project will become a healthy child.

Healthy kids come from

Work plan


What does the word health mean?

Understanding of the meaning of the word health Interview with children - What does the word health mean?

Paint work with parents – selection the best for logo of project.
We send to each other some of the drawings. Children will be anxious to receive some of your drawings.

We make a corner of the project in the classroom where we post things that we make. We also make pictures of them and post on TwinSpace or, a Powerpoint with picture (with the parents agreement) where we can know each other.

“Healthy – unhealthy” - making our own questionnaire (with older students) on healthy habits and ask all children to answer it.

TIME: 1 and 2 week - October


“I am a clean man”

Manufacturing skills of systematic care for cleanliness Hygiene routines such as wash your hands before and after meals, after a walk, and after games in the garden.

Talk with children in the classroom theme, correct naming of objects to maintain health of the whole body.

Visit to the dentist
Talk about oral hygiene dentist.

After that visit we realize a poster with objects of hygiene.
We record a poem about hygiene in our own language (by camera) to post it on TwinSpace and Youtube with the English translation.

TIME: October


“I eat healthily”

Paying attention to the skillful and cultural behavior at meal time and emphasizing the role of proper nutrition. Talk with children about the proper use of cutlery, napkin.

Fun under the title "Arranged the adoption”

“Health pyramid” - children's artwork – exchange European ideas for work

"Appetizing food" - meals are made from natural products
joint exercise of fruit and vegetable salads”

“Health food” – European cookbook.

"Green Farming" - total cultivation of herbs in a corner of nature.

Meeting with the cook; create menus according to their own ideas.

"Healthy eating, healthy live" - Competition for parents on the best menu for one

TIME: October/November/December


“People, Places & the things that help”

Aware of the need to address the assistance to those involved in health care (doctor,nurse) Meeting with a doctor, nurse, knowledge building and the role of selected human organs - understanding the proper functioning of these organs for human health and life.

TIME: February, January


“I'm fit, I'm moving a lot and I practice”

Encourage children to play all of the movement (individual, collective, spontaneous or organized) Implementation of the playground and gymnastics.

Outdoor fun.

“Games for health” – European book with playground.

Family Festival "Health first".

TIME: March, April, May


“Kids’ Health Dictionary”

Understanding of the meanings of words related to health

“Kids’ Health Dictionary” - what do all those medical, health words mean? Check out our virtual glossary for lots of easy-to-read definitions.

TIME: June


Evaluation project

About project - Walking for health

Movement/activity is one of the basic characteristics of all living organisms. The movement is driven, the foundation, the source of life. Movement or physical activity as a component of physical education and is an indispensable element in the development and success of human life. Through the project we want to encourage kindergarten/school teachers to make greater use of fresh air, sunshine, green areas, which contribute to the development of feelings and aesthetic experiences. This program will help kids in an interesting and accessible to gain skills and knowledge of physical activity through activities such as themed tours, practical experience in the form of tournaments, competition, sports games, and through artistic expression, theater and music, at the same time including the process of parents. The main objectives of the program are: To promote a healthy lifestyle among pupils kindergarten/school. Lay attitudes conscious participation in physical culture. Developing a sense of responsibility for their own hygiene and health. Improving selection of appropriate and targeted forms of recreation. Education motor skills useful in sport and recreation activities. Developing a positive attitude towards physical activity.

Hello dear friends

I am really glad that we work together with this project. I hope that our work will bring many smiles and joy to us - teachers and children. I wish for everybody take part in this project good luck and success.